03 Oct
Principles for Placing Your Orders with the Cosmic Kitchen

While this sounds easy, the Menu of Life is infinite, so it’s fine to take some time to be clear about what you want. What are your dreams for career, health, relationship, and prosperity? 1. YOU NEED TO DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT. While this sounds easy, the Menu of Life is infinite, so it’s fine to take some time to be clear about what you want. What are your dreams for career, health, relationship, and prosperity?
State your affirmations as though they have already happened. Say “I have…” I receive…” I am….” And so on. If you state your affirmations in the future tense (I will have…) they will stay in the future, rather than manifesting in your present time. State what you DO want, not what you DON’T want. The Law of Attraction brings you what you focus on. Write them, read them, feel them, and choose to BELIEVE they will work.
It feels wonderful that….. I am so happy and excited to be…. It is fantastic to…. The more positive energy you can generate with your affirmations, the more quickly they tend to manifest. Sing your affirmations with gusto, dance them with joy. Stand in front of a mirror with your arms outstretched and say your affirmations with enthusiasm! Change your thoughts and feelings—change your life.
Cosmic orders may require different amounts of preparation. Some have many ingredients that must come together to complete the dish while others have only a few ingredients. Allow the Universe to bring things together at the right moment for you. A part of trusting the timing for your order to arrive is letting go of the need to have it. While this may seem paradoxical, if there is an underlying sense of fear when you do your affirmations, the Universe responds to the fear. Practice feeling a sense of trust. The stronger the feeling of trust, the more quickly the Chef can complete your order.
When you do an affirmation and then start imagining how it will happen, that is called “outlining.” This is something you want to avoid. The Chef always has the best combination of ingredients to put together for your order.
When you meditate, ask for guidance in any action you are to take to help the Cosmic Kitchen. Listen to that Inner Wisdom. If something feels forced, back off. Affirm that you are perfectly guided in ALL your activities.
Many people feel they are not entitled to health, wealth, happiness, and a wonderful relationship. The truth is, we are all deserving of all good, but others who didn’t feel worthy taught us something different. What were you taught as a child about having a wonderful life? Are you willing to believe that you DO deserve a wonderful life?
Gratitude is a wonderful feeling at the heart level. It not only sends out positive energy around your affirmations, it also helps you with feeling the trust that it is already being taken care of. Every day take some time to make a gratitude list, either mentally or on paper. Cultivating the “attitude of gratitude” will create wonderful miracles in your life.
© Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D., adapted from Ordering From the Cosmic Kitchen www.orderingfromthecosmickitchen.com
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